Call for Abstracts
Title: Perspectives on arts education research in Canada Editor: Bernie Andrews Description of the Project: Arts education research in Canada has increased significantly since the beginning of this century. New forms of arts-based research, such as ethnodrama and a/r/t/ography, have arisen and made significant contributions to the literature. Researchers in departments/schools/faculties of dance, drama, music, visual arts, media studies, cultural studies and education have been successful in acquiring peer-reviewed grants from arts councils and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council to undertake large-scale projects and disseminate the findings internationally. The purpose of this edited collection, entitled Perspectives on arts education research in Canada, is to provide an overview of the current research undertaken across the country, thereby providing a valuable resource for students, professors and research associates working in the arts disciplines, media studies, education, and cultural studies. Contributors: Members of the Arts Researchers and Teachers Society (ARTS) within the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) Audience: Elementary and secondary arts educators, undergraduate and graduate students, professors and research associates in departments/schools/faculties of dance, drama, music, visual arts, media studies, cultural studies and education across Canada. Timeline:
Please submit your 250-word abstract to Bernie Andrews in the Faculty of Education at the University of Ottawa by September 1st, 2016 for consideration of publication in Perspectives on arts education research in Canada. E-mail: [email protected].
ARTS / SCEA is in transition! In order to ensure that we have an active member list and that no one is found to be missing pertinent emails, we are creating a new list serve.
Furthermore, our previous webpage is presently offline and archived as we seek to determine the best options for long-term sustainability and functionality. Until then, content will slowly be moved onto this interim website, presently administered by the ARTS/SCEA Co Vice President Laurel Hart. If you are looking for information, check the blog for updates! For your information, the 2016 ARTS/SCEA executive are: President (starting year one of a two-year term): Mindy Carter, McGill Co Vice President / Program Chair: Valerie Triggs & Laurel Hart Graduate Research Award Chair: Bronwen Low Publication Award Chair: Marni Binder Graduate Student Representatives: Margaret McKeon & Jennifer Wicks Past President: Sean Wiebe, UPEI |
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